Harry Potter is not the only one who can bring magic to still images.
Merely a month ago, the term “Cinemagraphs” was coined and brought an entirely new type of game to the photo field. Cinemagraphs are beautiful animated GIFs combining a still image, short video clip and technique to create photographs that appear to move in select areas of the frame.

Originator, Jamie Beck says “we wanted to tell more of a story than a single frame photograph, but didn’t want the high maintenance aspect of a video…cinemagraphs were born out of a need to tell a story in a fast digital age.” Much like the rest of the world that gawked at first site of these images, Steve and retoucher James Eves were impressed and immediately in pursuit of more. The two paired up to create a series of .gifs that celebrate the upcoming Memorial Day holiday. The idea is simple—give people something they have never seen before, and show them that a photograph can tell a story in more ways than one especially with some Cinemagraphs!
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Return to original animated gif “Cinemagraph” Post – “U.S. Veterans – A FewGood Women”

Guest blogger Stacey Lamb is an undergraduate student in Communications and Studio Art at Florida State University. The next six months should prove to be quite an adventure for her—following her internship with Steve she will be backpacking Europe and studying abroad in London in the fall. Her passion for photography, fashion, travel and music strongly influence her adventures and life goals.
Visit Steve Marsel’s other sites: Steve Marsel Studio, the assignment site and flagship site of the Steve Marsel brand, Steve Marsel Stock, the rights managed digital stock library of Steve Marsel Studio, Steve Marsel Galleries, the private gallery site of the Steve Marsel Studio. Visit one of Boston Photographer Steve Marsel’s other blogs as well: Steve Marsel Studio Blog , the creative blog of the Steve Marsel Studio. Steve Marsel Galleries Blog, Steve Marsel’s blog that discusses the stories behind the photographs, and Steve Marsel Stock Blog, the blog of Steve Marsel’s rights managed digital stock photography library that discusses the stories behind the images on the stock site. Cinemagraphs Cinemagraph