Minnesota Discomfort
On Location with ICE HOLES Series Creator Steve Marsel

Shot on Gull lake, Brainerd, Minnesota.
This photograph taken on location on the set of National Geographic Channel’s ICE HOLES by Series Creator & Executive Producer Steve Marsel Saturday, January 25th, 2014 on Gull Lake in Brainerd, Minnesota. This was taken during the filming of ICE HOLES Episode 108- “Minnesota Freezout”. I hate the cold. I mean, I REALLY hate the cold. This will be a recurring theme throughout my ICE HOLES blog entries. My trip to Brainerd Minnesota for the filming of episode 108 “Minnesota Freezout” brought new light to what it means to “freeze” – literally! I knew I was in trouble while in the process of renting a car at the Minneapolis Airport. The woman told me that it was about to get really cold and did I want an emergency survival kit for the car “just in case”?? I asked how cold it was right now? He replied that it was only -17F! But it was supposed to get REALLY COLD this coming weekend! OMG!!! ICE HOLES airs Fridays on National Geographic Channel. For more of Steve Marsel’s Photography, please visit Steve Marsel Studio
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