Steve Marsel’s Cinemagraphs
Adding Motion and Interest!
On Location with Photographer Steve Marsel

Brunswick School’s Odgen Family – Giving back and Conservation
Pictured above is one of Steve Marsel’s eight Cinemagraphs taken for [addlink url=”” text=”The Brunswick School”] in Greenwich, Connecticut. Brunswick is the leading independent day school for boys, nationally recognized for the strength of their academics, athletics, and the arts. The school is known for the clarity and consistency of their educational mission, and the quality and character of our students, faculty, and alumni. The Campaign for Brunswick seeks $100 million in capital gifts further these ideals and goals. For the web aspect of the campaign, Steve Marsel was asked to create a series of images that grabbed the attention of the viewers of the site, preferably something they had never seen before! In this Cinemagraph, the Ogden family is pictured on the breakwater at Greenwich Point not far from Brunswick Upper School campus. The Family made a substantial donations to the school and are longtime supporters of The Connecticut Chapter of The American Red Cross where Ross Ogden spent six years on it’s board of governors. Ross Ogden ’62 first came to Brunswick as a second grader in 1951, when his family moved to Greenwich from Chicago. He and his wife, Cathy, have two sons, both Brunswick “lifers.“ Ross ’91 obtained degrees from Dickinson College and The George Washington University, and currently invests in commercial real estate. He also follows his love of the outdoors with conservation work for various non-profit organizations. Ted ’95 was inspired by his years at Brunswick to pursue a teaching career after graduating from Middlebury College and earning an M.A. from the University of Chicago. He now teaches and coaches at the Landon School, outside of Washington, D.C. Like his brother, Ted is an avid fly-fisherman. Steve Marsel felt that the repeating loops of the tugging on the fishing pole made perfect sense for this image and complimented one of the passions of this family – conservation.
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