The Power of White by Terry J. Wheaton
White…is not a mere absence of colour; it is a shining and affirmative thing, as fierce as red, as definite as black…God paints in many colours; but He never paints so gorgeously, I had almost said so gaudily, as when He paints in white. G. K. Chesterton

White is the sum of all other colors in the spectrum. It reflects light. In this image white evokes thoughts of subtle church music, smells of incense, and the wonder and excitement of a new bride. It sets the mood; it encapsulates all that is white and pure. It transcends continents and transports one to a mindset and time when all things are possible. From the straight lines of the architecture, to the innocent almost timid expression of the model, one can almost forget time, space and reality getting lost in the beauty of what could be.

Guest blogger Terry J. Wheaton (Desired Results by Terry ) is a Fashion Stylist with a wealth of diverse experience. Her many years in front of the camera as a model have given her a unique perspective on styling. Terry understands what it takes to produce a quality image. Her attention to detail and unparalleled organizational skills make her a leader in the field. Comfortable in all types of settings and working with photographers and models at all skill levels, she brings her creativity and diversity to all that she does.
Special thanks go to the very talented Stylist Terry J. Wheaton, Model Amanda Gordon, Hair and Make-up by Lisa Roche, The incredible retouching of Mr. James Eves, and Photo Editor Raquel Vidal. Photograph by Steve Marsel
Visit Steve Marsel’s other sites: Steve Marsel Studio, the assignment site and flagship site of the Steve Marsel brand, Steve Marsel Stock, the rights managed digital stock library of Steve Marsel Studio, Steve Marsel Galleries, the private gallery site of the Steve Marsel Studio. Visit one of Boston Photographer Steve Marsel’s other blogs as well: Steve Marsel Studio Blog , the creative blog of the Steve Marsel Studio. Steve Marsel Galleries Blog, Steve Marsel’s blog that discusses the stories behind the photographs, and Steve Marsel Stock Blog, the blog of Steve Marsel’s rights managed digital stock photography library that discusses the stories behind the images on the stock site.