It’s no coincidence that model means mannequin in French.
Mannequins have long since represented our obsession with perfection in the fashion world. People fawn over their ideal existence of donning their pin-thin frames with the seasons most chic apparel. The immaculate windows of Bergdorf Goodman and Barney’s aren’t the only places you’ll find these mannequins. Photographers have begun to expect nothing less than perfection for their real life shoots, directing models to strike rigid, mannequin like poses and take on an ere of perfection.

Not only are photographers catching onto this mannequin obsession, hair and make-up and trimmed beard are adopting the flawless look too. High fashion makeup, more times than not, duplicate the Barbie, smokey cat-eye and hair wouldn’t budge even if Edna Kiplagat wore the look when she won the NY marathon this year. First it was 5th Ave windows, now in high end fashion photography, next the mannequin trend is sweeping the streets!
As they say, Bisous Bisous (French for kisses, kisses)

Guest blogger Elyse Lightner is a twenty something, candidate for a masters in art business at Sotheby’s Institute of Art in New York City. Her internship with Steve, worldly travels and obsession with museums have lead her to pursue a life surrounded by art and all things beautiful.
Additional thanks go to the very talented Stylist Terry J. Wheaton, Model Stellina Syia Hair and Make-up by Jeni Teran The incredible retouching of Mr. James Eves, and Photo Editor Raquel Vidal, Photograph by Steve Marsel
Visit Steve Marsel’s other sites: Steve Marsel Studio, the assignment site and flagship site of the Steve Marsel brand, Steve Marsel Stock, the rights managed digital stock library of Steve Marsel Studio, Steve Marsel Galleries, the private gallery site of the Steve Marsel Studio. Visit one of Boston Photographer Steve Marsel’s other blogs as well: Steve Marsel Studio Blog , the creative blog of the Steve Marsel Studio. Steve Marsel Galleries Blog, Steve Marsel’s blog that discusses the stories behind the photographs, and Steve Marsel Stock Blog, the blog of Steve Marsel’s rights managed digital stock photography library that discusses the stories behind the images on the stock site.